Today I am over at Ignatian Ministries’ Into the Deep Blog writing about the challenges of persisting and the grace God always seems to offer us in the midst.

Here is an excerpt:
I am guessing I am not the only one who is finding it difficult to “keep going” right now, to persist in moving forward in whatever they’re trying to do. Maybe it’s the usual second month of the year slump where the initial drive to attain one’s new year goal has faded, but I think it’s something more than that, at least it is for me.
The difficulty I am having with persisting comes from the lack of immediate evidence that my efforts have merit. There is a lack of daily evidence that my efforts are really doing anything at all to change my reality or the reality of those around me. It seems like there is quite a bit of evidence that things are actually going in the exact opposite direction of my desired path.
Yet still, the message is “keep going.”
So, how can I do just that and honor the response that God so clearly gave me?
Read the rest here.
And may God shower you with all the graces you need right now to just keep going!