Today I have two things to share with you.
The first is that I am over at today sharing a short reflection on the daily Gospel reading. If you haven’t explored before, it’s a great resource for engaging with the daily readings in a quick and easy and prayerful way.
Hop on over to to read my reflection live today, but here’s the prayer I wrote for today in the meantime:

The second thing I want to share with you today is a new episode of my podcast Loved As You Are: An Ignatian Podcast. Episode 25 is a little different than the ones before it. I’m sharing a talk I gave to a group this past Tuesday evening. The talk is entitled: “Preparing Our Hearts for Advent by Accepting and Leaning into Our Belovedness”.

It felt timely to share this with you today as some of the ways I suggest to prepare our hearts might just be beneficial to the week of celebration ahead as well as Advent and beyond.
You can listen to the episode here or anywhere you listen to podcasts. I also wanted to give you a link to a handout I gave the group in case you want to hold onto some takeaways as you enter into the Advent season. You can access the handout here.
May this week ahead be restful and full of light for you and yours!