“One Sunday near the end of Mass, the priest said something that really stuck with me. Right before the final prayer, he paused thoughtfully and then said, “You know, there is always more work we can do on ourselves.” He said that even at 57 years old, he never failed to find new things on which he needed to work. In fact, he had recently written three goals for himself: “Listen more. Be kind. Try not to take things so personally.”’

These few words from the priest towards the end of mass inspired my latest post for IgnatianSpirituality.com.
It’s a reflection on the dream of Pedro Arrupe 50 years ago that we could become #peopleforothers and work towards a just world.
It’s a reflection on looking inward first.
Read more over at https://www.ignatianspirituality.com/three-goals-to-realize-pedro-arrupes-vision/