Over spring break, I was given the gift of attending the Jesuits of the U.S. Central and Southern Province’s second annual women’s retreat. This retreat was formed in response to the desire put forth in General Congregation 34 for Jesuits to listen to the experiences of women and discover where women fit in the overall mission and vision of the Society. Twenty women, including me, and ten Jesuits were invited to journey together for four days in the beautiful St. Louis countryside. We prayed together, we spent time in silence, and, most of all, we engaged in rich dialogue with one another, sharing our joys and sorrows, successes and challenges.

It was an incredible experience that I’m still mining the graces of even today.
I share a little bit about this experience today over at IgnatianSpirituality.com as well as the challenges of coming down from the mountain of retreat.
Hop on over to the Ignatian Spirituality site to read the rest here. And if you are curious about the inception of this retreat, you can read about it here.