He is Risen.

The witness of Mary Magdalene at the tomb in today’s reading reminds me that Jesus not only loved us enough to die for us… but loved us enough to rise again so we may believe in a love that surpasses all human understanding.
Her witness is a reminder to me, and I hope to you as well, that God loved each and everyone one of us then and loves us each and every one of us now…
No. Matter. What.
He is Risen.
And now it’s time… for us to embrace our call to be Jesus’s hands and feet in the world.
It’s time for us to believe we are loved AS. WE. ARE. and help others do the same.
Join me for new episodes of the Loved As You Are Podcast – three more dropped yesterday – and check out my invitation for guests at the end of each.
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Can’t wait to take this journey with you!