Daily Step – Does God really want for us what we want for ourselves?


Do you believe that what you want for yourself matches what God wants for you?

I didn’t use to.

I used to think that service to God meant putting my own desires last.

Then I discovered Ignatian Spirituality and learned that a life of service to God comes only after doing the work to understand who you are and what you most deeply desire.

In other words – God wants for us what we most deeply desire for ourselves.

Today I’m over at the Ignatian Spirituality dotmagis blog writing on the magnanimous love of God and our call to live into it. Here’s an excerpt:

“It took time for me to realize that the Suscipe was a prayer that came at the end of the Spiritual Exercises for a reason. This offering of our lives in service to God and others was not Ignatius’s starting point. Instead, he started by fostering a belief that we are loved by God no matter what. He started with an acknowledgement that this love offered to us by God is so magnanimous that it means that God never wants us to suffer (even though, as imperfect humans surrounded by other imperfect humans, we often do). God’s love is so magnanimous that God plants within each of us deep desires and then works hard to give us all we need to pursue them in this life.”

Check out the rest here. It ends with a prayer I hope reaches you if you need it today.

(And do me a favor if it speaks to you, please share or leave a comment on the article itself or down below letting me know what resonated or what lingering questions you may have)

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