I was sitting alone in our school chapel earlier this semester spending some time with God. I realized in that moment that I don’t actually do this often… physically go and sit for a time in a chapel alone with God.

But I ALWAYS do it when the need to see and feel God’s presence with me becomes particularly strong.
I ALWAYS do it when the need to feel God is listening to ME becomes particularly strong.
After all, in every Catholic chapel almost anytime I venture to go, I can find a tabernacle holding the Body of Christ just waiting for me to visit.
I’ve been alone with God in many, many chapels from the one in my parish growing up to the one in my dorm in college to the one in every school I have worked for.
They all look a bit different, but the feeling of God there for me is the same.
This Holy Week, Christians around the world are invited to spend time with Jesus as He walks through His way to the cross.
It’s a week to slow down and sit with Christ.
It’s a week to slow down and sit with God.
Truth be told, I find it hard to do that….
Slow down in a week full of SO MUCH STUFF.
But then I remember all the times God has sat with me in chapel after chapel after chapel…
And I wonder whether or not I am willing to do the same…
Today, over at Ignatian Spirituality’s #dotmagis blog, I share a prayer that sums up the majority of my conversations with God in those many, many chapels.
Maybe my words will help you find your own this Holy Week.
Here’s another excerpt:
“I know it’s ironic, Lord,
that I sit here before your cross,
asking for You to shout out to me.
How is it that I fail to see this sacrifice
as your biggest, loudest reply
to each and every prayer I offer?”
You can find the whole prayer here.