Daily Step – Do you have a word for 2022?


Do you have a word for 2022?

I was introduced to this practice randomly back in 2019, and I thought I would go ahead and try it just once.

It sorta stuck.

In 2019, my word was mindful.
In 2020, my word was grace.
In 2021, my word was perspective.

I don’t have a real great process for determining my word. It’s more just a feeling I get when I come across a particular word – a feeling like that word might carry some meaning for me if I let it.

In many ways, choosing a word instead of a goal (or 10) gives me flexibility. It gives permission to the year to turn out how it’s going to turn out while subsequently pushing me to pay just a little bit more attention to how I show up during it.

This year, my word is journey.

It’s funny. I did a lot of “word of the year” generators (if you need one check out Morgan Harper Nichols’ post yesterday on Instagram (@morganharpernichols) or use Jennifer Fulwiler‘s word generator site – I’ve done both) but none of the words that appeared actually stuck out to me as one that might have meaning for me in 2022.

Instead, a word popped into my head at random on New Year’s Eve and wouldn’t go away. 


Being me, I immediately had to find a quote that encapsulated what this word could mean for me, and I came across these words of Walt Whitman. 

He says: “You must travel this road by yourself.”

Well that’s not exactly true, is it? 

After all, I believe God is right there with me.

But I also know God won’t take over the steps for me either.

(Don’t go hating on me with the Footprints poem now – I love that one too – “it was then that I carried you”)

Most steps this year, though, they are mine to take… with all the grace God offers.

And so I will.

One small one at a time.

So do you have a word? I’d love to hear it.

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2 Responses

  1. Pat Hammarth says:

    My word for 2022 is Gentleness. My first time doing this, but it sounds like a good idea. Thanks for sharing it. I do remember you talking about perspective last year…journey is a great one, too.

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