I woke up this morning and realized it’s already Wednesday of Thanksgiving week… and, truth be told, I haven’t stood still once.
Instead I’ve been cleaning and organizing and trying to bring our house back up to some semblance of presentable.
It’s Wednesday and I feel like I’ve barely made a dent.

As I go, I keep noticing the things that need repair or the things that could be better around our house. I see this crack and that tear (and don’t get me started on the boys’ bathroom!)
As I work diligently on our home, the imperfections have slowly become all I can see.
Often the things I have to do (the things I THINK I have to do) and the way I think I have to BE clouds my vision…
… until all I can see is what needs improvement.
Why do I do that?
Why do you?
Why can’t we stand still and be astonished?
There is so much to be grateful for.
These words of Mary Oliver remind me today to keep my mind on what matters…
That all around me is beautiful.
That all around me is a gift.
May we rest in gratitude today.