“What is the most important thing?”

This question came out of one of my twins mouths yesterday as we were piling out of the car. Not sure I understood his question, I said eloquently “huh?”
“Ugh, mom,” he replied impatiently. “What’s the MOST important thing?”
“Like in the world?” I said. “I guess love.” Love has been on my mind a lot lately as I work my way through the Spiritual Exercises. So, it seemed like a good enough answer.
“It’s money!” my oldest shouted. When I looked at him, he said “I’m just jokin’. I think it’s nature. We need trees for wood to build buildings and to breathe. We need water to stay alive. We need animals… I guess for meat, but I also love them. The most important thing must be nature!”
He later reiterated that it’s never money of course.
The twin who hadn’t asked the question said “Hmm… I think it’s God.”
I’ll take that.
Finally, the twin who asked the question and heard and contemplated all our answers said: “I think it’s safety… and doing kind things… and listening.”
So what’s the most important thing to you?
My prayer this morning is that you can find that answer, let yourself fall in love with it, and let it guide you in all you do this day.