It seems like there are three stages of reintroduction to life these days.

Red – I’m still not comfortable doing anything besides what’s absolutely necessary.
Yellow – I’m cautiously dipping my toe into the water but I’m not ready to let all the precautions go just yet.
Green – Let’s go! I’m so ready!
I would say I spent a lot of my time in red this past year. We did only what was necessary for many reasons. I would say right now, I’m trending yellow but every once in awhile I go back and hunker down in the red. I’m hopeful to be in the green by Fall maybe earlier. I’m cautiously optimistic with myself and this journey anyway.
You may be in red, yellow, green or in that precarious moment when the light is just changing between colors right now. And I think that’s okay. Each day I pray for patience with myself and others. I pray others have patience with me too.
We all have our journey to make.
So my prayer this morning is with the words attributed to St. Teresa of Avila. I find I need these words every time I look at someone else’s path and feel mine is too slow or maybe too quick.
“Let nothing disturb you;
Nothing frighten you.
All things are passing.
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things.”
May you be graced with patience today for yourself and all those you encounter.
(Drawing inspired by a long red light on my early Saturday morning grocery run)