Pay attention.

Oh my Lord how hard it is to pay attention these days. Either I’m distracted by my iPhone or my iPad or even my own brain running around in crazy circles. Sometimes even when I think I’m focusing on what someone is saying, I realize I’ve missed part of the conversation because my equivalent of a “squirrel” has come into my field of vision.
That’s why I love looking back at this short few lines from Mary Oliver often. It reminds me that the reward for paying attention is the priceless feeling of astonishment. There is so much in this world to marvel at… like the beautiful colors of a peacock. Isn’t it amazing that those colors combine naturally on an animal? And that we get to see it, capture its beauty in photographs and drawings or describe it?That we get to marvel at it?
I’m trying to heed these words this week. I’m trying to slow down and pay attention so that I can come here and tell about it. I want to capture the beautiful moments and help you do the same.
Let us marvel at God’s creation today.
Let pause in wonder.
And then let’s share it with each other.
What has astonished you today?