Daily Step – God speaks to us as God makes us.


“God speaks to us as God makes us.”

This weekend, my oldest will celebrate his First Communion. In speaking with my spiritual director about it, she asked: How would you envision Christ encountering your son this weekend as he receives his First Communion?

What an interesting question. 

My answer comes from the first line in a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke – “God speaks to us as God makes us.”

How will my oldest encounter Christ this weekend? I hope and pray that it is in a way I can’t possibly put into words… because they are not my words to say. 

I hope and pray that Christ encounters him in the way that makes sense only to him. I believe that the love God has for us is capable of that kind of encounter – the kind that only makes true sense to the one being encountered. The kind of encounter that celebrates the unique and wonderful person God created them to be.

I think it’s important that we trust in the personal relationship God has with each one of us as much as we trust in the communal one.

Whatever your faith, I hope and pray that you feel the truth of these words this morning: “God speaks to us as God makes us.” I hope it gives you the freedom to pray in the way that makes the most sense to you. I hope it gives you the freedom to trust in the answers that come sometimes in the most unconventional ways.

After all, who knows better what we need to hear and how we need to hear it than the One who loved us into being.

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1 Response

  1. Pat says:

    Thank you, Gretchen, this really speaks to me. I can’t help thinking sometimes, am I praying right, should I be doing something else….why don’t I hear more . This is great. Happy Mother’s Day !

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