I don’t know who needs to hear this today but… you are cherished.

I think I needed to hear that today, and maybe God even knew it before I spoke it outloud because the first prayer I turned to in the book Hearts on Fire reminded me of it. It made me wonder if perhaps you needed to hear it as well.
There are mornings when it’s hard to remember that someone is cherishing me and loving me into existence. There are mornings when I need to be reminded that I am called to something… not just something but something great! Those mornings, I often look for an external reminder of these things. I look for affirmation from a person or some outward sign of success. And when it doesn’t come, I wallow. I forget to turn first to prayer and to seek the reminder that often the person cherishing me the most shows me in internal and non-human ways.
I’m grateful today for this reminder in the words of Joseph Tetlow, SJ. Let these words remind you as well that you are cherished and loved today no matter what.
“Oh, Lord my God.
You called me from the sleep of nothingness
merely because in your tremendous love
you want to make good and beautiful beings.
You have called me by my name in my mother’s womb.
You have given me breath and light and movement
and walked with me every moment of my existence.
I am amazed, Lord God of the universe,
that you attend to me and, more, cherish me.
Create in me the faithfulness that moves you,
and I will trust you and yearn for you all my days.
Amen.” —Joseph Tetlow, SJ