“Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.” Hebrews 3:1

In December, I was invited to write for JesuitPrayer.org for six Fridays in a row. Basically, the site shares either the first reading or Gospel of the day, a short Ignatian reflection written by a variety of authors, and a prayer. Today was my fifth weekly reflection.
When I set out to write no more than 150 words on today’s first reading, I was struck by this one line about entertaining angels.
There are so many things that block me (and others I’m sure) from real hospitality.
Sometimes it’s uncomfortable.
Sometimes it’s messy.
Sometimes it requires more out of us than we are willing to give.
So when opportunities for real hospitality come up, how often are we blocked by all of these negatives instead of inspired by what we may encounter?
The past week or so, I noticed friends posting about being kind particularly to kids you may not realize are battling a host of complex learning differences in the classroom. This post resonated with me for sure. I have noticed over the past couple years how invisible learning differences can be. So invisible that one can often confuse behavior problems or lack of interest in learning or laziness with them. So invisible that sometimes you don’t realize how hard a child is working all day just to try and stay with the class.
There are so many kids who fit this description in today’s first reading – those angels you can only really get to know with radical hospitality and care – care that might be uncomfortable, messy, or require more than we sometimes are willing to offer.
May God give us the grace today to treat others with radical hospitality so we can recognize lift up the angels among us.
(Check out my reflection at JesuitPrayer.org)