There is space for all of us.

This morning, my boys ran into my office and went straight to my candy drawer to pick a treat. It’s their daily ritual. They pick a small piece of candy from the drawer and they get to have it only if we make it across the parking lot unscathed. It’s not every morning that they remember, but this morning they were uniquely focused on finding the perfect piece.
Of course, in their mad dash for the drawer, they got in each other’s way. They pushed and shoved and one kid fell back whining to his brothers that it was unfair they wouldn’t give him space near the drawer. “Boys!” I eventually yelled. “There’s enough space for all of you!”
Momentarily silenced, they quietly managed to maneuver their little bodies until they were all granted access to the treasured candy drawer. They the spent the next few minutes analyzing and discussing the best and most delicious pieces of candy. Eventually, they picked their piece and three sets of hands slammed the drawer closed.
It’s true, isn’t it? No matter how chaotic it may seem at first, there is space enough for all of us. Space to shine our individual lights, space to let others shine theirs. Even more importantly, there is space enough in the heart of God for each of us. It’s a love that never runs out.
My prayer this morning is for the grace to imagine and start working towards a world where we make space for one another – a world where we lift up instead of tear down, a world that magnifies the limitless love of God.
(Join me today over at for a short reflection on today’s Gospel and this idea of creating space for all to shine.)