After all the gifts were bought and Santa was crystal clear about his list, one of my twins brought home a new request.

His Santa letter from school asked for blocks. “What kind of blocks are you asking for kid?” I inquired sure this was the first time he’d mentioned blocks. “I want small ones, medium ones, and large ones so I can build a huge circular wall all around me and my toys.” He emphasized what he wanted to build by sweeping his arm up and down and around in a huge circle.
Yesterday, he drew a picture for the exact sizes of the blocks and my husband is contemplating whether or not he has time to cut a few of them up in the garage secretly tomorrow. Though he wants 200 of them. It’s such a simple and unique request. Everything else on their lists was exactly the same. I want to encourage this uniqueness and this creativity if I can. And I honestly can’t wait to see what he’d build.
My boys are so close in age and close in looks that I often forget to see their uniqueness, the three unique persons God created out of love.
Seeing and cherishing their uniqueness is a daily reminder that God cherishes us in our uniqueness as well.
Today my prayer is again by St John Henry Newman:
“God has created all things for good;
all things for their greatest good;
everything for its own good.
What is the good of one is not the good of another; what makes one man happy would make another unhappy.
God has determined,
unless I interfere with His plan,
that I should reach that which will be my greatest happiness.
He looks on me individually,
He calls me by my name,
He knows what I can do,
what I can best be,
what is my greatest happiness,
and He means to give it me.”
Let us believe in our unique place in this world and live into it wholeheartedly.