I voted two weeks ago.

I know, however, that there are millions still waiting to vote today at the polls.
Today it’s important to listen to God’s voice speaking in your heart. What is God really saying to you?
My prayer this morning is from Jesuit John Veltri. It’s a prayer that challenges me to listen to the voice of God speaking through everyone I encounter. It’s a prayer that encourages me to listen to stories other than my own and find God there. It reminds me that God does indeed have something to say.
Yesterday, I posted in anticipation of my son getting new hearing aids this week. Having a deaf child has taught me that in order to really listen – you have to do so with more than just your ears… you have to listen with all that you are.
Listen to God as God speaks to you today – it’s different for each of us (and please let others listen to God in their own hearts as well).
God bless you this day!
And if you haven’t yet – please vote.
Teach me to listen, O God, to those nearest me, my family, my friends, my co-workers.Help me to be aware that no matter what words I hear, the message is, “Accept the person I am. Listen to me.”⠀
Teach me to listen, my caring God, to those far from me– the whisper of the hopeless, the plea of the forgotten, the cry of the anguished.⠀
Teach me to listen, O God my Mother, to myself. Help me to be less afraid to trust the voice inside — in the deepest part of me.⠀
Teach me to listen, Holy Spirit, for your voice — in busyness and in boredom, in certainty and doubt, in noise and in silence.
Teach me, Lord, to listen. Amen.
—Adapted by John Veltri, SJ, as published in Hearts on Fire: Praying with the Jesuits