Today I finished my 200th day in a row doing barre classes.

There is a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that says “You must do the things you think you cannot do.”
When shelter in place started on March 11th, I was suddenly very aware of all the things I thought I could no longer do. I could no longer go in to work. I could no longer see my students. I could no longer go work out at the barre which has always been my primary outlet for stress… and the list went on and on.
It was amazing during that time to see how many people answered the shock of being regulated at home by creating new things to keep people connected and moving. My gym, @purebarreaddision, immediately started offering online classes… something they’ve kept up still. They made something I thought I could no longer do… possible.
Now that I’m back at school, I have continued to see so many people doing the things they thought they could not do. Teachers are working with students at home and in person simultaneously. Adults and kids alike are wearing masks regularly and washing their hands. Somehow we’ve all broken the habit of touching our faces which seems a feat in itself! We are even playing football!
Everything looks a little different and everyone has had to have tremendous flexibility… but it is working.
“You must do the things you think you can not do.”
It doesn’t have to be barre classes every morning. It doesn’t have to be something big like starting a new business or single-handedly solving the pandemic. The things you think you cannot do but in fact can are intimately tied to who God created you to be. The tools are all there. So if the dream can’t leave you alone, if it’s knocking and knocking at your heart – wake up and get started.
You can’t do the things you think you cannot do until you get started trying.
My prayer today is for all of us to get up and start moving on those things that just yesterday felt impossible. May God give us the grace to try.