Has anyone tried to buy Clorox wipes lately?

I take a chance and look whenever I go to the store these days. I haven’t found them yet but it’s kinda like a odd treasure hunt. One day, I’ll find a single pack and feel like I’ve won the lottery. I’ll probably hug it close all the way to the checkout too – so don’t stare!
Truth is, I’m not sure I really NEED Clorox wipes, but taking the opportunity to look for them makes me feel like I’m doing something, looking for something that I lack right now. Perhaps finding them will make me feel… better about navigating the world.
Interestingly enough, when I sat down to read this week’s readings I had just finished my weekly grocery shopping and treasure hunt for just one container of wipes. Of course, as usual, the sign read “We are sorry this item is out of stock.”
So I came home, unloaded the groceries, and sat down with the readings. The first reading is a reminder that God is ready and waiting to give us what we lack. The response is an invitation to come to the Lord so He can answer all our needs. The second reading speaks the truth that God loves us no matter what (that truth is popping up a lot this week). And finally, the Gospel is the beloved story of the loaves and fishes being multiplied so that all may be satisfied and then some.
But what about the Clorox wipes, Lord?
Ok, I guess that question kinda misses the point. The point is that perhaps, right now, due to anxiety, uncertainty, and fear – we are directing a lot of attention to the wrong things. I’m guessing that if I open my cabinets right now, God hasn’t stocked them with all the wipes I feel I need (not that God couldn’t).
But, if I look into my heart instead, I’ll find that God is stocking me with so much more. God’s gracing me with perseverance, patience, ingenuity, and hope.
Our minds ARE capable of figuring things out and our hearts ARE capable of keeping it together because God has truly given us all we need.
If we open our eyes to see it… And fold our hands to ask for it… And work together to accomplish it.
Oh and for those with a stockpile of wipes, take a break and let the healthcare and essential workers have a week where THEY get to find the treasure. Maybe that’s a bit of the point too.