Yesterday was a day.

While I was on a work call, my twins came in constantly requesting tape and paper from me. Though I told them to please wait patiently, they reached up on a high shelf anyway and pulled out the paper. I heard a small crash behind me and turned to see my favorite homemade photo of my oldest dressed as a king for his kindergarten play laying shattered on the floor. The photo and it’s glossy, glittery frame never fails to make me smile. And there it lay. Broken apart.
A good image for the day.
In the afternoon, however, I got to talk to Becky Eldredge (Author of Inner Chapel and host of the new blog Into the Deep) on Instagram Live. The conversation rejuvenated me because I got to remind myself of a few truths I’ve learned from Ignatian Spirituality and St. Ignatius including:
We are loved no matter what. No. Matter. What. Even when we sin, even when we mess up, even when we fall – there is always someone there, loving us just as we are.
We are not alone – God is living in us and with us through all the trials of this time. God wants to hold our hand and take this ride with us, cry with us, mourn with us, and then stand up with us and help us move forward.
And it is never too late to start again. Ignatius started over so many times in his life. His plan A never worked out quite as he expected. He often had to move onto plan B or C or D… but, through the grace of God, he always got back up and started again. He taught me it’s often more about the journey than the destination and he showed me what freedom lies in placing trust in the One whose plans are always much greater than my own.
So, on this Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola, my prayer for any of you that need it as much as I do is that you find God in your world today – showing up just for you ready and willing to give you all you need. I pray that you know the truth that you are so loved. And I pray that you find your feet today so you can walk strong into all that lies ahead.
Check out our full conversation linked below and let me know what resonates with you.