“How can I help?”

This is the line that the main character of the show New Amsterdam says to everyone he meets in his hospital. It is his tag line. Even when he is feeling overwhelmed or disgruntled or incapable… you can see him take a deep breath and say anyway “How can I help?”
And the kicker is, he means it.
I started watching the last few episodes of this season last night, and I was struck again by this line. I know, I know, it’s a TV show. It’s easy for a character to say this line and mean it. It’s easy for the writers to come up with simple solutions to complex problems and make it all work out in the end.
But I also know real people in my life that always ask this question and mean it too. And I am so grateful for them.
Today I am grateful for all the people who have helped me this year, even this month… and I pray for a more willing spirit to become a person that can utter those four simple words more often: “How can I help?” – even when I feel incredibly unequipped to do so.
What would the would be like if that was the first thing we all said to one another?
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” – Mr. Rogers
How can you help another person today?