Who needs you to stand at the foot of their cross today?

This week, I’m over @loyolapress’s #dotmagis blog talking about my twins night terrors and the understanding that we can’t always take away another person’s pain – but we can stand with them at the foot of their cross.
Here is an excerpt:
“I imagine that perhaps this is what it felt like to be Mary, standing at the foot of the Cross. She saw her son in agony, and yet, she could do nothing about it. She could only wait in hope that it was all temporary. The best she could do was stand there and wait for it all to end.
As a parent, I know there will be many hurts I will not be able to take away for my boys. There will be times when I will have to stand by and watch them figure things out on their own. They will face disappointment, sorrow, and even fear. I hope they know, however, that no matter what, I am right there, at the foot of their crosses. I will never leave them to face their perils alone.
As we enter into Holy Week, let us consider who needs us to stand at the foot of their crosses. Let us consider who needs us to feel with them and to stand with them in their grief, fear, or sorrow. And when we cannot fix their pain, let us ask the Lord for the grace to be present with them in their suffering as a sign of our presence with the Lord in his.”
So… Who needs you to stand at the foot of their cross today?
St. Aloysius Gonzaga, pray for us.
Find the whole dotmagis post here.