God is not finished with us yet.
If we are moving ever closer to the person God created us to be, the details will work themselves out.

These two lines are on the cover page of my website. I first wrote them down a year ago as I was preparing for a talk on the First Principle and Foundation, an exercise at the start of St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises. And over this past year of writing almost daily, I have grown in my understanding and commitment to the truth of these lines.
To me, the first point means that we get to do it again. No matter what choices we make the first time, we can recalibrate. The first year or the 18th year or the 90th year of our lives. We can change, and God is right there waiting to help us do it.
The second point means we can not let the details stop us. Of course details are important, but they can also get in the way of letting God work God’s love in us. If I am working towards the person God is calling me to be… those details we struggle with will work themselves out. They will.
We just have to have a little faith.
I share these lines with you today as you enter into your week so you can keep them with you and allow the truth of them to sink in. And so that you can share them with others.
God never gives up on us.
Let us pray for the grace to, in turn, not give up on God.