Daily Step – They Matter


The small, daily steps do matter.

Ever since January began, I have shared the small steps of guest writers on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are more to come, but I have also made some small steps myself that are slowly making a big impact on me. One I mentioned before was waking up at 4:15AM which is still going well. Another is going to bed an hour later.

I know, that sounds mixed up!

Typically, we put the boys to bed and I am so done. I eat dinner and go straight to bed as soon as possible. This January, however, I had some writing goals I wanted to accomplish. So, I sat at the kitchen table most nights for an hour or so and slowly put one word in front of the other.

Writing for me has become a form of prayer. It helps me process what God is telling me and share it with all of you. Each word on the page silences the noise of the day and makes God’s voice a little clearer for me.

Step by step. One word in front of the other. I am finding a lot of grace on each page.

Today is the Feast of St. Francis de Sales. I came across this quote attributed to him this morning that held so much meaning for me.

“God takes pleasure to see you take your little steps; and like a good father who holds his child by the hand, He will accommodate His steps to yours and will be content to go no faster than you. Why do you worry?”
-St Francis de Sales

Small steps, they matter.

What small step will you take today?

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