*This article can be found in full at Busted Halo. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my love of Ignatian Spirituality with this audience.
I always thought I knew exactly where my sons would go to school. There’s an excellent Catholic school right next to where I work. So, from the time I knew we were having our first child, I had a plan for what would happen when he turned 4. My husband’s not Catholic, but I told him sometime during our first few months of dating that I had two requirements for my future children. 1) They would be raised Catholic. 2) They would go to Catholic schools.
As our first son neared 4, however, I had some fears about whether or not he’d be able to go to Catholic school after all, and during his pre-K interview, my fears were confirmed. The teachers had trouble understanding his speech, which didn’t surprise me because we also had trouble understanding it. So, he stayed in daycare for a year while we worked to figure it all out. When we finally discovered that his speech problems were connected to hearing loss, we addressed the issue head-on.
The rest of can be found at Busted Halo…