Have you ever asked God to open a door?
… begged God even?

Have you ever prayed something like:
“God, if you just open a new door for me, I promise I will walk through it. I will not let you down!”
I know I have.
So what happens when God says yes?
(cause sometimes God does…)
I often wonder if I’m more afraid of the “yeses” than the “nos” from God.
I mean I have big dreams, huge aspirations.
I want to do great things.
But I don’t really expect God has those dreams too.
I mean there are other people who have more to offer than… me.
Still, I have enough faith to ask and even beg for a door that will lead me to something great.
And many times, God says “no” or “not just yet.”
… but then sometimes…
Sometimes, God says yes…
That elusive door finally swings open…
… and my faith gets instantly overcome by fear.
I find myself saying almost instinctively: “That door, God?”
Followed by something like:
“That door is more rectangular than I thought it would be.”
”That door has a larger threshold than I expected.”
“It is too wide…”
“… too narrow…”
”… too heavy…”
”… not heavy enough…”
“… what if I go through it and I DO let you down after all?”
“… what if I don’t?”
I think I’m afraid of the “yeses” as much as the “nos” from God.
I think I’m afraid I’ll fail.
But maybe even more that I’ll succeed.
What about you?
Pray this with me today:
Lord, extend my faith
beyond the desire
into the action
Remind me
that with your hand
in mine
I’m am stronger than I think.