Daily Step – How’s your summer going?


Do you think you are doing summer “right”?

Someone asked me the other day what cool stuff I’ve been up to this summer, and I admit… I hesitated to respond.

Because I didn’t think I had any stuff cool enough or worthy enough to mention….

I haven’t gone on any trips.

I haven’t had any spectacular “wins” or stand out moments – at least by common standards.

I’ve seen what others have been up to and I’ve been so drawn into their stories. People really do amazing things with the time they’ve been given to rest. 

But what if I haven’t?

In a recent conversation I had for my podcast, an old friend reminded me of a common phrase – “compare and despair” – and those words have been rolling around in my head ever since.

If I truly believe the title of my podcast – that we are indeed loved AS WE ARE – then why do I hesitate to speak with joy about my summer vacation too?

Why do I do that?

Why do we do that?

Why do we hesitate to embrace the unique person each of us is and lean into what brings us real joy? And then share it confidently?

Is it because we feel we won’t measure up?

I guess the bigger question is…

Why do we continue to let ourselves believe that there are any measuring sticks in heaven?

[Listen to more on this idea of compare and despair and all things Ignatian on Episode 14 of Loved As You Are – An Ignatian Podcast with guest Stephen Szolosi wherever you listen to podcasts]

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