My “Sunday Scaries” don’t actually seem to be connected to Sunday at all.
Instead, my fears seem to arise immediately after I’ve jumped right into something with both feet.

Take my podcast, for instance.
I decided to go all in. I got the name. I recorded five episodes. I secured social media handles and a website url just in case I needed it. I advertised it all and started seeking guests…
… and only then… then did the fear set in.
… then did the “what ifs” come flooding in…
- “What if” no one listens?
- “What if” it’s not a message anyone needed to hear?
- “What if” I suck at interviewing guests?
- “What if” my voice really is better just on the page?
- “What if”…
The “what ifs” rolled in on Friday morning and began to quickly drown out all the joy…
… because I let them…
Fear is a really strong emotion. It’s so strong it can even make one forget why they chose the name of their podcast in the first place.
So, here I am reminding myself and you on this Sunday evening before the “what ifs” get the best of me… “Be not afraid”…
AS. I. AM.
No matter what this week throws at us.
No matter if we succeed or fail.
We are loved.
As we are.
No. Matter. What.
So let’s keep on going.
One step at a time.
(If you are curious what this podcast thing is all about, check out Loved As You Are – An Ignatian Podcast here or wherever you listen to podcasts)