I’m not exactly sure what inspired me to write this poem. I think I was tired at the end of a long week.
But I also think I began writing it as a prayer. An opening to a conversation between God and me.
As I re-read it this morning, however, the things I was asking God to tell me seemed… impossible. They seemed not in line with…. well, God.
But then I remembered that God is present in each of us roaming the earth right now…
Each of us imperfect yet beautiful human beings.
So maybe the desire of this poem is for us to be okay with being imperfect and admitting that to one another a little more.
I don’t know – maybe it would help us all love each other…. better.

Tell me please
that sometimes
you mess up…
and not just
a little bit,
Tell me please
that sometimes
you are unsure…
and yet
you can’t help,
Tell me please
that sometimes
you are awkward…
and not just
a little bit,
but TERRIBLY so.
Tell me please
that sometimes
you are wrong…
and yet
despite knowing that,
Knowing this…
about you…
it would make
it a bit easier
to understand
it would make
it a bit easier
to be
So tell me please,
that you are
NOT perfect
Not perfect
in the least…
and I will…
well, yes,
I know I will…
love you
©️2022, Gretchen Crowder