Daily Step – Have you seen my patience?


Is anyone else looking for their patience lately?

I definitely am.

So I channeled that feeling into this crazy poem… hope it brings a smile or helps you feel not alone if your patience is also… missing.


Has anyone seen 
my patience?

I’m just desperate 
to find it!
… and soon!!!!

Let me try 
and give you
a good description 
so you may 
keep an eye 
or two

This patience of mine,
it might be, well…
hard to see.

It’s not very big,
not very big 
at all.

It’s also not 
no real muscle 
to speak of,
and it’s kinda…


Anyway, I’m just
to find it!

I swear it was
just here 
hanging out 
with me
like we were 
best friends!

In fact, we were 
having SUCH 
a good time,
I was thinking 
my patience 
would finally be 
a lifetime member 
of my very exclusive
of virtues.

But then, 
my patience, well…
it got spooked
(probably by 
my kids…
they’ve been known 
to scare away
the best 
of virtues)
and just disappeared
as if it 
were nothing 
but a figment 
of my 

I swear it was 
so real,
and then 
it transformed to
more like 
a storybook fairy…
here one minute 
and darting away 
the next
in a choking cloud 
of sparkling 
fairy dust.

I started thinking 
for just a minute 
that maybe 
it didn’t really 
this patience 
of mine.

Maybe I never 
had it at all!

Maybe it was 
just pretend
like a 
kid joy-bringing 

I guess… 
it’s silly, 
isn’t it?
to ask 
if you’ve seen 
this patience of mine
because what if it 
and was 
just part 
of a really good 
game of pretend?

But real or not,
mine to hold onto 
or not,
I still kinda, 
kinda desperately, really
need it back
and SOON…

because it’s 
devilish sibling 
the wish-killing, 
kid tantrum-bringing 
sibling, aptly named 


well, it is wreaking 
absolute havoc 
over here!

So if you’ve seen 
my patience,
or any patience 
that wishes
for a new 
and quite 

Send it here

Me and all 
who have to
deal with me
on a daily basis
will be much,
much obliged!

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1 Response

  1. Katy says:

    Oh that patience thing!

    Gretchen, mine is constantly hiding from me, despite my intentions in a morning to keep a tight hold of it it always manages to escape.
    Please let me know if you find a remedy that will keep patience comfortably ensconced in ones heart so it will happily remain.

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