Daily Step – How are you entering the world today?


How are you entering the world today?

This is a question I think I should ask myself a bit more often in the morning. 

Because when I don’t, I don’t always like my answers to the same question looking back at the end of the day.

If I enter the day too fast…

If I start with thinking about will be hard…

If I start with thinking about what will be stressful…

If I start with thinking about what’s unfair or messed up or too hard to change anytime soon…

Then I find the way I enter the world in a given day is less than the person I want to be.

Occasionally, this quote by Henri Nouwen pops up somewhere and reminds me that there is a way I can show up in the world no matter what challenges lay ahead.

I can try and offer a little peace.
I can try and bring a smile.
I can try and speak words of healing.
I can try and love in a way authentic to me.

I know I’m gonna forget as much as I remember.

I know I’m gonna fail as much as I succeed.

But if I return again and again to these questions…

I can enter the world a bit


each and every day.

So, I’ll ask again, for you and for me, how are you entering the world today?

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