You are beloved.

I first read this line in a book by Henri Nouwen over a decade ago. I heard it again when I watched a series of videos of Henri filmed when he was still alive preaching on this same topic.
He was asking those listening and reading to understand the truth that we are not what we have, what we do, who we know, or what others say about us. Those things do not define us, not really – even though we often fall into the trap of letting them (I know I do!).
Instead we are simply beloved.
God loved us into being and loves us into being again and again everyday. God doesn’t need our permission to do so either. God doesn’t even seem to need us to believe in God’s love for us in order to shower us with it. Though of course, I believe God desires us to know and believe in it… what’s the point of loving in secret?
In a way, this is super comforting. On those days when I feel inadequate, less than, unprepared, unworthy… on those days when I question my likeability let alone my lovability, God still sees me as beloved.
And God sees you that way too.
My prayer this morning is that you may feel your belovedness and let it guide you towards loving others just as well.