It’s Chip Friday!

If you’ve followed me for awhile, you know that chip Friday is my favorite day of the week. I started this tradition for myself back in the Fall when I was trying to both eat less chips and salsa and revive anticipation on this last day of the week. Especially while we still lay low most weekends, this gives me something small to look forward to after the work week.
Lately, this tradition involves stopping by Chipotle on the way home. My order includes a few bags of chips because… well they don’t pack a whole lot into those brown bags. Their chips are salty with the bigger grains of salt you can actually see on the chips and their red salsa is just spicy enough. And they now carry cauliflower rice so the bowl is even better these days.
I love that chip Fridays have also inspired others to indulge in their own favorite food or activity on Friday nights. I’ve received a few messages or photos documenting for me that I’m not alone in this desire for a simple joy at the end of the week.
It really is such a simple, tiny thing… but it’s the little things that have the potential of bringing our lives just the right amount of light to carry us forward.
So, my prayer for you this morning is that you find one simple thing that can bring you a little light this evening – a favorite food, a walk outside, a conversation with a good friend. I hope you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much it lights you up.
And if you do have your own “Chip Friday” tradition, I’d love to hear about it in the comments!