It’s a dreary, rainy day and I’m over here dreaming of color.

Last week, a friend of mine posted a photo of a big, colorful parrot. There was more to the post, but I couldn’t stop just looking at that parrot. I couldn’t stop admiring the bright shades of red, blue, green, and yellow presented so perfectly and naturally on a living being.
It reminded me of a conference I went to in Miami a couple years ago. Miami is a bright and colorful city, and I enjoyed seeing how that translated throughout neighborhoods and downtown alike as I journeyed through the week. It all started with my first view of the retreat center where I saw six brightly colored parrots in cages at the front entrance.
They were just so beautiful, sitting there a perfect compilation of nature’s most basic color palette.
I was so struck by that memory and this image that I couldn’t let it go. I took out my iPad and my Apple Pencil and I drew the bird. The great thing about Procreate is that you can extract a color palette right from an image. I could literally recreate the bird in all its natural beauty right on my screen.
As the rain falls hard outside my window, I know today is gonna start out a little grey and colorless… but my prayer is that it doesn’t take long for the beautiful colors of nature to greet us once again.
May the beauty of these parrots and the words of Oscar Wilde inspire you today and add a bit of color to your life!
“Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unalloyed with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways.” Oscar Wilde