I wake up every morning a bit anxious.

I don’t even fully realize the anxiety in me until I’ve climbed out of bed and walked over to my front entryway to start my morning workout. I first roll out my mat, put down my weights, put in my headphones, and turn on the barre class on my iPad. I am blissfully unaware of the tension in me as the cheery voice of my pure barre instructor fill my ears and my body starts moving. But it is there.
It becomes more tangible as I start the warm up. As I move side to side with my arms first spread wide and then reaching high above my head, I start to really feel it. There’s an ache in my chest and a tingle in my arms as all that lies before me that day, that week, that month fills my brain. “Did I remember to do my oldest’s homework with him yesterday? Did I check my twins folders? Did I wash the masks? How is today really gonna go?” So many questions come rapid fire as my brain wakes up alongside my arms and legs and torso.
But just as I feel flooded with it all, it starts to slowly dissipate. With each new movement spread over the next half hour, I feel the questions fade away and the anxiety lessen a little. My fingers and toes loosen their grip and feel open to receive the day.
I wake up every morning with anxiety, and I cope by moving my body. I didn’t always know how to do this, however. It took time to learn that if I exercise early in the morning I will start my day better.
Do you wake with anxiety or worry or stress left over from the day before? Do questions about the day and life and work and family flood your head? What do you do to lessen it? What do you do to bring yourself peace?
I workout, I pray, and I write down my prayer to share with all of you. It works. Even when I think it won’t, it does. Every time.
My prayer for you all this morning is that you find an effective way to bring yourself peace today. Maybe it’s moving your body. Maybe it’s sitting outside and soaking up the sun. Whatever it is, I assure you God is right there celebrating you as you take that moment to regroup and showering you with grace.
I have to ask—was the picture taken at Montserrat? Gazing at it this morning gives me peace. Thanks, Gretchen!
Yes it was! A beautiful day there as well!