I randomly came across an Instagram profile the other day that gives Doodle-A-Day prompts each month. It was the perfect incentive for me to try and draw something on my iPad without using a step-by-step tutorial video.

I was a little nervous to try, actually. I work with and know some incredible artists who produce such incredible things sometimes simply from their imagination. It’s hard not to compare myself to them before even getting started.
But despite my fears, I went ahead and tried the doodle-a-day prompts for February, and I noticed a couple things. Doodling and creating little pictures, as imperfect as they may be, is vastly improving my mood this week. I actually find it quite entertaining especially since the iPad “undo” button works better than any eraser I ever tried. I have made a little time for play this past weekend and the start of this week, and it had made all the difference.
Before I started using procreate over Christmas, I don’t think I seriously tried to draw anything in decades.
What hobby have you stopped working on? Did you stop because of comparing yourself to the talents of others? Or did you stop simply because you thought you didn’t have enough time to waste on it?
What if it didn’t matter how good you were at it? What if starting this hobby up again increased your productivity because it increased your joy?
My prayer for you this morning is that you find time to play. May you be open to considering picking up a hobby you haven’t touched for awhile and let it awaken your joy.
(Today’s prompt was dinner. I showed this to my oldest and he said it looked so “real and good.” It was an unexpected affirmation from a kid who doles them out very carefully.)