It’s Monday.

The time has come again to make the lunches, pack the bags, search for missing sweaters and clean masks. And get us all to work and school on time.
I woke up this morning full of anxiety. Suddenly, the things I had pushed away for the last two weeks came flooding back. Pandemic stuff. Kid stuff. To do list stuff.
I lay in bed for a few minutes this morning begging God for a little “perspective” which also happens to be my word (albeit still begrudgingly) for 2021. Also, though one shouldn’t beg for miracles so early on a Monday morning, my last, most fervent prayer was that my oldest son’s hearing aids would work this morning. They were broke all yesterday. Part of my anxiety was figuring out how we were gonna handle getting them fixed today while he struggled at school. Part of my morning grumbling to God was about the fact that the aids had two full weeks to be break and they CHOSE the day before school started. Because, you know, inanimate objects often chose to harm us.
What if when I got out of bed this morning the aids were still broken though? Did that mean that God didn’t listen or hear my prayers or care to ease my anxiety?
Or would that mean that God was gracing me with something else I needed even more?
Like a little perspective?
I want to start this Monday off right. I want to start it off pushing aside my usual grumbly Monday morning self and have a different… perspective.
So how can I begin?
How can you begin?
This morning my prayer is a simple one from St Teresa of Avila:
Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.
May we have peace this Monday morning and be open to the light of perspective on whatever our day may bring.