I’m thinking the stress of this week is starting to get to me.

Maybe it’s getting to us all. This in suspense and incomplete that I prayed for earlier this week… well it’s getting a little old!
So let’s concentrate for a minute on a moment of gratitude. My oldest son got new hearing aids yesterday. It’s hard to know how much of an impact they are making since I’m not the one wearing them! However, I had to smile when my son heard the somewhat quiet printer printing my receipt. These sounds don’t always register, so it was a moment of hope that these will be a great investment. He also was bouncing off the walls with excitement and chattering more than I had seen him do in weeks.
Of course, this morning as I tried and failed to connect the hearing aids to an important device he uses in class, I was quickly reminded that all new things have an adjustment period. It takes a moment to work out the kinks and get everything comfortable once again.
Maybe the same is true for all of us right now. Many are ready to just end this, but we also have to realize that even when the vote is counted and the poll workers go home there is an adjustment period ahead where things won’t all connect and comfort will take time to be restored. It’s true of anything.
This Friday morning, my prayer is by St Teresa of Avila. It speaks to me as I worry about my son’s day ahead with not everything working correctly and I hope it speaks to you whatever you are feeling today:
Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.
Have a wonderful Friday!
(It’s chip Friday for me, best day of the week – I go crazy on chips and salsa tonight. Can’t wait!)