Daily Step – What are you grateful for?


This is a big week in the Crowder household.

(No not because of the election but yes that’s big as well)

This week, my oldest gets new hearing aids. Three years ago this month was the first time we turned on his aids and gave him an introduction to new sounds. He was almost 5. He should have had them earlier, but we didn’t know. That will always be a part of our story.

As I sit and think about the last few years, I can’t believe how much these two devices have changed his life and ours. I also can’t believe how much the technology in these devices have changed in three years for the better.

Somehow when I wasn’t looking, people were working diligently to improve hearing aid technology. I am so grateful for their effort and their time.

There is one thing that never fails to surprise me about hearing aids, however. That children all over the country struggle to get them covered by insurance. I’m so grateful we can place new aids in his ears this week, but I also hold in my heart those who struggle to do the same. Thank God for organizations like Dallas Hearing Foundation who work to keep children aided as well as others who diligently work on insurance companies to cover them. Thank God for parents and doctors and advocates who work with schools to try to get the support of devices and educational support needed in the classrooms for deaf/hard of hearing kids to be successful. It’s not always possible, but there are always people working to try.

November has started, so what a great month to focus on gratitude as well as hope – I’m grateful for hearing aids, audiologists, FM systems, and teacher support. I’m hopeful for a world where all kids can get what they need.

Do me a favor? Click this Link to read my DotMagis post today over at IgnatianSpirituality.com as I reflect on the quote “Cherish what is simple, be in awe of what is great” and our hearing aid journey.

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