God is calling us to big things. Huge. And as we discern what those are, let us remember what God is not calling us to – perfection.

I proof read all my text messages. Several times. I never post anything without having carefully made sure it all fits on the post and everything is spelled correctly. I might even be guilty of spending a little too much time making sure a photo is angled just right in the Instagram square. I hardly ever send an email without looking it over and often having others verify I’ve gotten all the info correct.
And so finding this angel I’ve had for years decapitated on a shelf this week… left me just a bit perturbed. I mean, yes we can glue the head back on and no one will really be able to see the cracks but… I’ll know. It’s no longer… perfect.
But maybe instead of a sign of something broken, this angel can be a sign for me that perfection is not the goal. It can’t be. Especially in 2020, but really any time. After all, it’s a well-known characteristic of being human that we are imperfect. We are flawed.
In today’s Gospel, we hear Jesus call Peter the rock. We witness the interaction where Peter is called to greatness. But – spoiler alert – we know Peter messes up later on. Peter, the rock, displays some pretty big cracks when he denies knowing the very person who called him to greatness.
He’s not perfect. But he is redeemable. And he is still every bit worthy of the big things God calls him too.
Today we are reminded that God calls all of us, broken and imperfect humans, to be God’s hands and feet in the world.
And if we wait to be perfect… we might just miss our opportunity to be someone’s rock right when they need it the most.