Daily Step – the Real Moments


Along the journey towards the greater, there are many small, daily steps to better understand oneself, God, and others. This is one of my “daily steps”.

Daily Steps are found first on Social Media @gdcrowder

Happy Thanksgiving!⠀

This photo is from several years ago when I was just trying to rein in my three young boys and get them to smile for just one photo. I ended up using this on a Christmas card because it was the best one we got, the most real of all the photographs. Since then, we’ve taken a photo with an upside down kid a lot… so maybe now it’s a little posed… but this one, this one was real.⠀

This morning I’m pausing before finishing to prepare for our #Thanksgiving meal to remember that the best moments can be the real moments. Even the ones where you discover your four year old drew a permanent marker happy face on your table. ⠀

For as the poet #GerardManleyHopkins says:⠀
“For Christ plays in ten thousand places,⠀
Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his⠀
To the Father through the features of men’s faces.”⠀

So #HappyThanksgiving, my prayer for you and I is that we are able to pause and see #God in all the faces at our dinner table today.⠀

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