Along the journey towards the greater, there are many small, daily steps to better understand oneself, God, and others. This is one of my “daily steps”.

“Mom, did you know that #God gives us medicine when we need it?”⠀
This was the conversation in my car today. It started here and went a bunch of different directions as each child organically decided to share their knowledge of God and Jesus with each other. Eventually they moved onto a discussion of which of them could, in fact, carry a building… but my mind and heart stayed with this first question — Did I know that God gives us medicine and when we need it?⠀
This morning’s commute was messy and wet. The day ahead is packed with more things to do then seems possible in a mere 10 hours. So, perhaps before I get grumpy or frustrated or yawn a few more times, I need to breathe in this idea that God gives us medicine when we need it… and the only medicine we need – God’s love.⠀
I recently came across this beautiful #prayer that signifies how I need to be open to God’s #love today. It says:⠀
“Let your love play upon my voice and rest on my silence. Let it pass through my heart into all my movements. Let Your love, like stars, shine in the darkness of my sleep and dawn in my awakening. Let it burn in the flame of my desires and flow in all currents of my own love. Let me carry Your love in my life as a harp does its music, and give it back to You at last with my life.” — poet Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)⠀
My prayer for you and I this morning is that we are open to receive the medicine of God’s love in whatever form it takes. ⠀
Does this prayer resonate with you today?⠀