Along the journey towards the greater, there are many small, daily steps to better understand oneself, God, and others. This is one of my “daily steps”.

When I was in California back in October, I’d walk by this box of books every morning on my way to grab coffee. Each time, I’d notice some new detail about the box and marvel at how someone took the time to carefully and beautifully craft this box so that people could share their love of reading back and forth. ⠀
At the time, I imagined that this was a lone venture by a person who created this box. A person who stopped by occasionally to see if people are adding or subtracting books from it… stopped by to witness someone’s eyes light up at the treasure they find there. ⠀
As I looked back at this picture today, I saw that this box was a part of a larger organization (@littlefreelibrary ) to bring books to neighborhoods to inspire a love of reading and literacy. This box is one of thousands this organization has placed in neighborhoods all over the world.
My guess is that it started as just one box and a dream to share what one has with others.⠀
Today is the Feast of All Saints and Blesseds of the #societyofjesus, so I thought it fitting to share this quote from their founder #stignatiusofloyola. ⠀
“Love consists in sharing what one has and what one is with those one loves.”⠀
In this simple act of placing a box of books on street corners throughout the world, I see this quote lived out – for the ones we love can be those we never actually see.⠀
How are you sharing your gifts with others today? How are you open to expanding the definition of whom you love?⠀