Daily Step – Beholding Love
Along the journey towards the greater, there are many small, daily steps to better understand oneself, God, and others. This is one of my “daily steps”....
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Along the journey towards the greater, there are many small, daily steps to better understand oneself, God, and others. This is one of my “daily steps”....
Along the journey towards the greater, there are many small, daily steps to better understand oneself, God, and others. This is one of my “daily steps”....
Along the journey towards the greater, there are many small, daily steps to better understand oneself, God, and others. This is one of my “daily steps”....
Along the journey towards the greater, there are many small, daily steps to better understand oneself, God, and others. This is one of my “daily steps”....
Along the journey towards the greater, there are many small, daily steps to better understand oneself, God, and others. This is one of my “daily steps”....
Along the journey towards the greater, there are many small, daily steps to better understand oneself, God, and others. This is one of my “daily steps”....
I walked into my son’s room on All Saints Day morning, and as usual, he was still lying in his bed relaxing instead of getting dressed....
I had a nightmare the other day. I was running throughout my house, opening one door after another trying desperately to find my sons. They were...
Each night as I kiss my twins goodnight, they pick that exact time to tell me everything they can remember about their day. “Mama, I need...
One of my twins loves, absolutely loves “baby” stuffed animals. Every day, it seems, he locates yet another one from the depths of his room and...