Daily Step – My will, not Yours.
Today I’m over at IgnatianMinistries.org writing for their series of moving from Desolation to Consolation. Here’s an excerpt: Turns out, though, that moment of surrender only...
September 2, 2024
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Today I’m over at IgnatianMinistries.org writing for their series of moving from Desolation to Consolation. Here’s an excerpt: Turns out, though, that moment of surrender only...
*The full post is available at IgnatianSpirituality.Com as part of their 10th Anniversary Series. Every spring, I invite the freshmen to consider how they can more...
When I was a senior in high school, I took a creative writing course. All semester, I crafted stories on paper and turned them in and...
A sweaty little kindergartener came running towards me from the playground one afternoon. When he got close, I noticed he had something crumpled tightly in his...