Daily Step – My will, not Yours.


Today I’m over at IgnatianMinistries.org writing for their series of moving from Desolation to Consolation.

Here’s an excerpt:

Turns out, though, that moment of surrender only got me halfway from the tepidness of spirit I was feeling to the zeal of connectedness with God I craved for myself and for my family. The first step was admitting I needed God’s help, but the next step was realizing that God would not fix it without mine.

“My will not your will be done” was incorrect.

“Your will not my will be done” was incomplete.

In order to fully return to zeal, in order to return to consolation so that my heart and mind would be free to make a good decision for my sons, my prayer had to become: 

Unite my will with yours so we can together go all in.”

Gretchen Crowder, Into the Deep Blog

Go on over to the Into the Deep Blog and read the rest as well as engage with the rest of the series. My post ends with some concrete suggestions on what to do if you too are trying to move from tepidness of spirit and return to zeal!

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