Will you practice a little advanced gratitude with me?
What is it?
Well, I don’t know about you, but I have a propensity for starting off my days thinking about what might go wrong. I can’t help it. I almost instinctively prepare for all the possible contingency plans I might need “just in case.”
But it isn’t the best way of proceeding…
Of course everything might go horribly wrong.
But what if instead it went incredibly right?

Today, I am over at IgnatianSpirituality.com talking about practicing “Advanced Gratitude”. It’s my way of looking towards what could be a pretty rocky Fall for… well… everyone, and choosing to go against instinct and enter each day thanking God in advance for the blessings I know God will provide.
Will you join me? Go on over to IgnatianSpirituality.com to read more.