We have only today.

I have two new planners sitting on my desk at home. Both of them start June 1. They are beautiful and completely blank at this moment in time. I purchased one for my family and the complicated mix of summer camps and later school drop offs that I need to wrap my head around. The second one is for work.
I haven’t even put pen to paper yet, and my mind is already rolling through exactly how to organize my weeks, my months, my entire year. In my head, plans and schedules and drive times are swimming around. I’m wrestling with the strategy for August morning drop off and May hasn’t even come to a close yet!
This is how my brain works… always looking ahead, always planning. I tend to have ready back up plans for my back up plans most years.
But you know the truth? None of those plans prepared me for the year I just had. Over the last ten months, I have learned to toss out the backups and deal with what’s facing me in real time instead. It was unnerving but it was also incredible in the end.
And the best part? I proved to myself that it was possible.
I hope I don’t forget.
As I head into the last full day of school today, I’m struck by this quote attributed to St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa):
“Yesterday is gone.
Tomorrow has not yet come.
We have only today.
Let us begin.”
My prayer today is to remember that there is a time to plan but there is also a time to live. After all, the best and most unexpected parts of life reach far beyond the pages of a well-organized planner.