This morning I woke up to a snow covered yard.

And apparently, it’s only the beginning. Snow will fall for the next couple days at least in Texas. My hope for snow this year is actually coming true! (We get REAL excited about this in Texas if you haven’t noticed).
Right now, the untouched snow reminds me a lot of the first snow falls in college. When the snow would fall at night (and up there it would regularly be feet not inches), I would love to look out my window at it when it was the middle of the night and it still lay perfect and untouched on the ground. I liked seeing when it lay without any blemishes of feet marks or snowball fights or this disgusting yellow chemical they’d throw on the sidewalks to melt it for walking. It was like God had thrown a soft blanket over all of creation making it brand new once again.
It so was beautiful and renewing.
Today’s Gospel is about Jesus cleansing a man afflicted with leprosy. Jesus makes him clean of his painful and disfiguring skin condition. I can almost see the moment when he looks down at his arms and legs and marvels at them – the moment when creation was once again made new.
Before I get out of bed this morning, I’m trying to drink in the excitement and joy of seeing the ground bathed in this cleansing blanket of snow. Once I get up, I’ll remember that it’s incredibly cold and that snow is probably turning to ice and we are stuck here for a bit. But for now, I’m marveling in the beauty of it, and I’m pausing in gratitude for a sign that God never fails to make all things new.